My Italian Menu
Discover the secrets, recipes, and culture of one of the world's most beloved cuisines!
Course structure:
- 4 hours of general Italian in the morning
- 1 hour of Italian cooking in the afternoon
- 2 evenings of practical cooking lessons followed by dinner
Course objective:
To provide an in-depth understanding of Italian culture through its cuisine and its significance in daily life. Improve oral and conversational skills on topics related to cooking, recipe discussions, menus, and descriptions of traditional Italian dishes.
Course content:
Culinary Vocabulary: Introduction and in-depth study of specific vocabulary related to cooking, such as ingredient names, utensils, cooking methods, weights and measures, commonly used verbs in the kitchen, etc.
The Italian Menu and Its Traditional Recipes: Instructions for preparation and associated vocabulary.
Festivities and Traditions: Study of Italian holidays and the culinary traditions associated with Christmas, Easter, All Saints' Day, New Year's, Ferragosto, etc.
Regional Foods: Focus on regional traditions with particular attention to Sardinian culinary traditions.
Role Play in a Restaurant: Role-playing activities to simulate ordering at a restaurant and interacting with the staff.
Healthy Cooking: Discussion on aspects of a balanced diet and healthy cooking, with a focus on vegan and vegetarian cuisine.
Idiomatic Expressions Related to Food and Cooking: Study of idiomatic expressions related to food and cooking in the Italian language.
Final project:
"My Italian Menu": Students will create a complete Italian menu, including revised versions, and present the ingredients and their preparation.
Additional notes:
The course is designed for those who want to improve their Italian through the exploration of Italian cuisine.
Each lesson will be supported by specific teaching materials, including recipe books, videos, and practical activities.
Practical cooking lessons will include the preparation of typical dishes under the guidance of an expert chef.
If you want to find out your level of Italian, please do our test. |
If you want to know the cost to study with us, take a look at our price list. |
If you are interested in this course, book your place now. |
Test your knowledge of Italian | See prices | Enrol now |
If you want to find out your level of Italian, please do our test. |
If you want to know the cost to study with us, take a look at our price list. |
If you are interested in this course, book your place now. |